virtual dreamland

tl;dr: i want an online space that no one could take away from me, where i can do what i want, how i want it, and when i want it, but still with some light social aspects. not totally isolated, but a space just for me how i want it.

now here's the long version!

there are two major reasons this site exists: one, because social media is ephemeral and i needed a more permanent space to host myself, and two, because i want the place where i host myself to be how i want without limits.

social media is where the people are, where things are. whether we like it or not, it's a new form of the "third place." and just like other third places, the people in charge really want to make sure we can't have any of that. again, it's where the people are, but for how long? how long til you get permanently banned and have to start all over again on a new account or even worse, a new account on a new site? how long until someone just up and deletes, years and years of work lost to time? add that in with individuality being difficult though not impossible because everything needs to be sanitized and cookie-cutter for advertisers and investors. i say all that but these sites think hate speech, especially racist and transphobic kinds, are just totally fine. that doesn't need to be censored apparently. and apps. why is everything a fucking app. why do i need to download a fucking app every single time. stop making me download an app.

so there's reason one: the shrinking of the third place. this reason actually bleeds into the second reason i made this site. so in the past two years i've had four accounts be suspended for... i dunno, no reason? three tumblrs and one twitter. tumblr never said why, if i had even broken ToS, even after contacting support. the third time this happened i wasn't even able to contact support. twitter did have the courtesy to tell me why i was suspended, but it was complete bullshit. they sited "ban evading" which i wasn't nor have i ever. i got all these accounts back, sure, but being terminated without warning and for no good reason is... it sure is.

if social media is ephemeral, where can i go that isn't? the answer is of course here, on neocities. though unfortunately it wasn't panning out for the longest and after getting back my main tumblr, the plan to make a site went on the backburner. by the time i lost a tumblr after having it for only two days, i said "okay that's about enough of that," and finally decided to start seriously working on this project. i found a layout i really liked and got to work on it.

and here we are! a place with a lot of creative control, and while it hasn't been easy, it is exactly what i want it to be. it won't go away overnight, i don't have to see hate speech all the time, it can just be for me by me and with me in mind. that's what i want, and that's what i'll get. honestly shout out to my girlfriend too for supporting and helping me with all this. he's the best! ❤❤❤

so that's why this site exists. i hope you enjoy your stay. i certainly am. if you aren't, that's alright, just don't make yourself stay longer in a place you don't wanna be.

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